Our insights cover a variety of topics impacting businesses, society, the economy, and the environment. Check out our latest white papers, research reports, educational seminars, industry speaking engagements, and perspective articles.
Our team provides financial expertise to assess the precise volume and value of inventory or stock that is lost or damaged as a result of adverse incidents such as fraud, arson, theft, or natural disasters.
Our experts conduct physical examinations; compile and review underlying accounting records; and employ industry data to identify, document, and value inventory. We help clients to quantify their loss and determine total damages in terms of replacement costs; selling price; associated consequential losses and other ancillary costs such as transportation, freight, and taxes. We assist clients in first party insurance claims and provide expert testimony in litigation disputes, especially in large complex cases involving complete destruction or mysterious disappearance of inventory.
Our insights cover a variety of topics impacting businesses, society, the economy, and the environment. Check out our latest white papers, research reports, educational seminars, industry speaking engagements, and perspective articles.