Intellectual Property

ITC 337 Investigations

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Ocean Tomo, a part of J.S. Held, has significant experience addressing the economic issues underlying 337 investigations at the International Trade Commission (ITC).

Visit Ocean Tomo for more information about J.S. Held's intellectual property services.

Our experts testify in 337 investigations involving issues of patent infringement, trademark infringement, and trade secret misappropriation. We provide insight into industry considerations that may bear on issues such as the significance of domestic investments, the applicability of potential remedies, the proper bond amount, threatened or actual injury, commercial success, and the impact of an exclusion order on the public interest. We have assisted counsel in every stage of a 337 investigation, from acquiring products and evaluating domestic industry and public interest considerations prior to filing, through assisting with settlement negotiations.

Our Services
  • Analysis of Commercial Success
  • Analysis of Domestic Industry Requirement
  • Assistance with Settlement Negotiations
  • Determination of Proper Bond Amount
  • Evaluation of Appropriate Remedies
  • Examination of Public Interest Considerations
  • Investigation of Potential Injury
  • Pre-filing Due Diligence & Analysis
Our Subject Matter Experts
  • Certified Licensing Professionals
  • Certified Public Accountants
  • Economists
  • Intellectual Property Valuation Experts
  • Testifying Experts
Our Clients
  • Commercial Dispute Litigators
  • Designers
  • Fortune 1000 Companies
  • General Counsel
  • Inventors
  • IP Litigators
  • Laboratories
  • Small & Middle Market Companies
  • Public Companies
  • Start-Ups
  • University Technology Managers
Featured Engagement:
In the Matter of Certain Audio Players and Controllers


  • Investigation: 337-TA-1191
  • Representation: Complainant
  • Claims: Patent Infringement
  • Technology: Music Streaming, Playback, and Distribution
  • Scope of Involvement: Report, Deposition, Hearing Testimony


Sonos brought suit against Google for infringing several patents relating to music streaming, playback, and distribution. Ocean Tomo offered testimony relating to the existence of a domestic industry, remedy, and bond.


Consistent with Ocean Tomo’s opinions, the ALJ granted summary determination that the domestic industry requirement had been satisfied. That ruling was later affirmed by the Commission, which also affirmed Ocean Tomo’s opinions relating to remedy and the amount of a bond.

Featured Engagement:
In the Matter of Certain Personal Transporters


  • Investigation No. 337-TA-1007/1021
  • Representation: Complainant
  • Claims: Patent and Trademark Infringement
  • Technology: Self-Balancing Electric Scooters
  • Scope of Involvement: Report, Deposition, Hearing Testimony


Segway, and its parent company Ninebot, brought suit against several respondents who were accused of importing infringing one-wheel and two-wheel self-balancing electric scooters. Ocean Tomo offered testimony related to the existence of a domestic industry, the appropriate remedy and bond, and the commercial success of the patented and accused products.


Complainants prevailed on its trademark infringement claims and, consistent with the opinions offered by Ocean Tomo, the ALJ found the existence of a domestic industry and recommended cease and desist and limited exclusion orders. Those findings were later affirmed by the Commission’s final determination.

Featured Engagement:
In the Matter of Certain Botulinum Toxin Products


  • Investigation: 337-TA-1145
  • Representation: Complainant
  • Claims: Trade Secret Misappropriation
  • Technology: Botulinum toxin products
  • Scope of Involvement: Report, Deposition, Hearing Testimony


Medytox brought suit against several respondents who were accused of importing botulinum toxin products that misappropriated certain manufacturing related trade secrets. Ocean Tomo offered testimony related to the existence of a domestic industry and whether any such domestic industry would be destroyed, or substantially injured, by the importation of the infringing products.


Consistent with Ocean Tomo’s opinions, the Commission found that the domestic industry requirement had been satisfied and that respondent’s importation and sale of the infringing botulinum toxin product threatened to destroy, or substantially injure, Medytox’s domestic industry and/or domestic industry products.

Featured Engagement:
In the Matter of Semiconductor Chips with Minimized Package Size


  • Investigation: 337-TA-630
  • Representation: Respondents
  • Claims: Patent Infringement
  • Technology: Packaging of DRAM Chips
  • Scope of Involvement: Report, Deposition, Hearing Testimony


Tessera brought suit against several respondents who were accused of importing infringing DRAM chips. Ocean Tomo offered testimony that the majority of units sold in or imported into the U.S. by respondents were purchased from suppliers or subcontractors directly licensed by Tessera, and thus licensed.


The ALJ, in agreement with Ocean Tomo, found that all chips purchased by Defendants from Tessera’s licensees were authorized. Thus, because Tessera’s rights in those chips were exhausted, none of Tessera’s patents had been infringed. Consistent with those findings, the Commission’s final determination found that there was no violation of Section 337.

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