The owner of a mushroom composting facility hired a contractor to construct a mushroom composting facility. Based on the contract, the contractor was to supply and install the prefabricated metal building. The finish of those purlins and girts was revised from a galvanizing coating to a paint. Shortly after the completion of construction, corrosion of purlins was observed and reported, and the corrosion advanced so rapidly that some steel angle braces fell onto the floor only a few months after construction.
J.S. Held was engaged to review and comment on the paint application of the purlins and girts in the mushroom composting facility and address the questions stated in the retainer letter, including opining on the standard of care of each party involved in the project. Our scope of work involved interviewing the owner of their site representative(s); reviewing available documents; and conducting site investigation, project research, and analysis. We summarized our findings in a comprehensive report.
Ben Daee, PhD, P.Eng, PE
Vice President,
Forensic Architecture & Engineering
+1 289 812 5116
[email protected]
Kenny Yip, P.Eng., P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
Senior Engineer,
Forensic Architecture & Engineering
+1 778 561 2119
[email protected]
> Structural Engineering
Our team is composed of civil and structural engineers who specialize in forensic investigations, repair scopes, code upgrade/compliance evaluations, and repair plans. We provide detailed forensic analysis of property and infrastructure damage by leveraging our understanding of the built environment and the impact of wind, water, fire, deterioration, construction defects, and outside forces.
> Forensic Engineering
J.S. Held’s forensic engineering experts include civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, geotechnical, and biomechanical engineers. Our forensic engineering analyses address what happened, why it happened, when the incident occurred, extent of damage, repairability, and applicable code upgrade/compliance requirements.