Case Studies

Concrete Block Wall Collapse

J.S. Held Strengthens Family Law Practice with Asset Acquisition of Luttrell Wegis

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The Situation

The property is a mixed-use, multi-story residential/commercial structure over a single-story underground parkade. The garage and the 1st story are constructed of reinforced concrete, while the rest of the structure is of wood-framed construction. The subject concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall was located on the east property line. The wall functioned as a firewall and ran vertically between the 2nd floor and the roof. It had been constructed up to the 6th-storey floor when it collapsed under the influence of a wind event.

How We Advised

J.S. Held was retained to conduct a review of the collapsed CMU wall, focusing on the cause of the incident. Our assessment also included a review of the CMU wall’s code compliance. Our scope of work included conducting a site investigation, interviewing the contractor, and reviewing the relevant construction documents, such as construction drawings and field review reports prepared by the Architect and the Structural Engineer of Record.

Key Contact

Kenny Yip, P.Eng., P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
Senior Engineer,
Forensic Architecture & Engineering
+1 778 561 2119
[email protected]

Related Practice Areas

> Structural Engineering
Our team is composed of civil and structural engineers who specialize in forensic investigations, repair scopes, code upgrade/compliance evaluations, and repair plans. We provide detailed forensic analysis of property and infrastructure damage by leveraging our understanding of the built environment and the impact of wind, water, fire, deterioration, construction defects, and outside forces.

> Code Upgrade & Compliance
J.S. Held’s team of licensed and certified code professionals assist clients on matters involving local, state, and national code upgrade/compliance requirements. We determine or establish compliance by researching, collecting, and assessing information on existing configurations, proposed configurations, or work performed.

> Forensic Engineering
J.S. Held’s forensic engineering experts include civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, geotechnical, and biomechanical engineers. Our forensic engineering analyses address what happened, why it happened, when the incident occurred, extent of damage, repairability, and applicable code upgrade/compliance requirements.

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