Case Studies

Medicare Reimbursement Increase & Cost Report Appeals Management

J.S. Held Acquires Stapleton Group & Launches Strategic Advisory Practice

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The Situation

A major not-for-profit health system wanted to improve its reimbursement associated with the Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program. The client was also seeking a partner to manage its Medicare Cost Report Appeals by monitoring its Notices of Program Reimbursement (NPRs), preserving appeal rights, filing preliminary position papers, and working with outside counsel in the pursuit of the appealed cost report claims.

How We Advised

J.S. Held experts:

  • Developed a robust and comprehensive Medicaid days verification process
  • Used findings from Medicaid verification and worked with the client to file updated reports
  • Represented the client during Medicare Cost Report Audits and reviewed auditor findings to ensure proper payment
  • Developed an appeals process that included monitoring NPRs, identifying issues, and preserving appeal rights
  • Worked with counsel to resolve appeals

Ultimately, the health system realized millions of dollars in additional Medicare DSH reimbursement. They also implemented the recommended process for as-filed Medicare Cost Reports resulting in improved cash flow, and numerous appeal issues were preserved and successfully resolved, resulting in increased Medicare reimbursement.

Key Contact

Magi Curtis
Executive Vice President
Healthcare Consulting
+1 615 626 0023
[email protected]

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> Healthcare Organizational Transformation
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> Strategic Advisory
From strategy to execution, we help clients overcome complex enterprise challenges and realize long-term, sustainable business value. The solutions we deliver are derived from a combination of technical, scientific, financial, and strategic expertise and unrivaled understanding of both tangible and intangible assets.

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