Project Cost: $2.9 Million
Project Size: 35,000 Square Feet of Building Renovations & Additions
Exterior and interior renovations of two two-story classroom buildings, library, restrooms, cafeteria and dining area, and administrative offices. In addition, an elevator shaft was also added.
The original building was built around the early 1900s, which posed many challenges of maintaining the historic identity of the school. This was of great importance to the School Board and to the local community. All work was approved by a historical committee appointed by the School Board members. The scope of work included asbestos abatement throughout the entire campus and in the crawl space, windows replacement, roof replacement, wood floors replacement and refinishing, millwork replacement, electrical and communications upgrades, and the installation of a new HVAC chilled water system.
Egress and ingress to the building were also upgraded to comply with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) and the Americans with Disability Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Another challenge encountered at this campus was the close proximity of stately oak trees to the construction areas. Strict measures were taken to protect all trees with the approval of a professional arborist. The School Board was very pleased with the completion of this project.