Two tractor-trailers were involved in a serious collision on the interstate. No eyewitnesses came forward, and each driver offered a conflicting account of how the accident happened.
J.S. Held experts were able to recover vital electronic components from the wreckage and successfully preserve crucial, objective digital evidence showing how the collision occurred. An analysis of the digital data revealed that the lead vehicle was traveling well below the minimum speed for the interstate, thereby unnecessarily impeding the flow of traffic. This digital data was critical in allowing the parties to resolve the case and avoid a costly trial.
William Bortles, ACTAR
Senior Accident Reconstructionist
Accident Reconstruction Practice
+1 303 586 4734
[email protected]
> Accident Reconstruction
J.S. Held’s accident reconstruction experts deliver specialized expertise in forensic investigations, evidence collection and preservation, and scientific diagrams and animations. Our team of consultants, engineers, and PhD scientists is retained by first-party and third-party clients to provide expert witness and litigation support, from discovery to decision.
> Visualization & Reconstruction Services
J.S. Held’s forensic visualization experts specialize in the production of animations, graphics, interactive media, and virtual reality environments that communicate complex concepts in a simple form. Our visualization experts employ photogrammetry, nighttime visibility studies, video reenactments, photo analysis, video analysis, computer modeling, and simulation to analyze core issues of a case. These findings and results are represented though graphics, animations, physical models, interactive exhibits, and 3D visualizations to clearly and concisely explain our conclusions.