Case Studies

BI Loss for Mobile Telecommunications Company

J.S. Held Strengthens Family Law Practice with Asset Acquisition of Luttrell Wegis

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The Situation

The Sudanese military overtook the government in a coup in October 2021. The head office of the telecommunications company was also overtaken by the military and forced to suspend their Internet services for several weeks.

How We Advised

An initial claim was submitted of approximately $7M. However, we observed that this could potentially be sub-limited to $2.5M based on the Denial of Access Clause (subject to (re) insurers’ views on coverage). Our review of the claim and underlying financial documentation and operational data also identified several issues with the calculated loss including:

  1. Duplication of “customer refund” losses with the loss of revenue claim (i.e., refunds recorded to the income statement as a credit to the customer, which reflects as a reduction in turnover as opposed to an increased cost)
  2. Issues reconciling the contemporaneous forecast and actual revenue used to calculate the claimed loss of revenue with the financial statements provided by the head office accounting department
  3. No “make-up” credit being applied for the increase in revenue from voice calls, SMS, and Interconnect revenue achieved during the Internet outage (customers calling and texting rather than using the Internet)
  4. Variable cost savings are not being considered in the claim
  5. Exchange rate issues in the translation of losses from SDG to USD
  6. Waiting period deductible not considered in the claim

Extensive discussions with the insured occurred, leading to broad agreements on issues I and II above. However, we understand the insured and (re)insurers are still in active dialogue on point III, which we considered could offset the Internet revenue loss in its entirety (we performed multiple calculations using actual and forecast data and ultimately concluded Internet revenue losses appeared to be largely offset by gains in voice and SMS).

Key Contact

Daniel Thorpe
Executive Vice President
Forensic Accounting - Insurance Services
+971 56 658 3620
[email protected]

Related Practice Areas

> Business Interruption / Lost Profits
We provide specialized expertise in the quantification of damages related to claims and disputes involving business interruption and lost profits. Our team combines their financial expertise and diverse backgrounds to effectively evaluate the insured's/claimant's operations and industry/market-specific factors, to quantify interruptions and lost profits.

> Forensic Accounting
Our Forensic Accounting Practice includes Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Financial Forensics experts, and other financial experts who specialize in financial investigations, dispute resolution, and regulatory compliance. We deliver the truth behind the numbers in financial matters involving insurance claims and disputes, business interruption/lost profits, cyber damages, Delay in Start-Up (DSU) / soft costs, extra expense, family disputes, fraud, labor & employment disputes, personal injury damages, and bankruptcy/insolvency.

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