J.S. Held Acquires Technorm, Québec’s Leading Forensic, Building Safety & Compliance Experts
Read MoreRepair Costs & Business Interruption Mitigation
Our team was retained to analyze damage to outside plant (OSP) cabling, specific to buried cable versus aerial cable. The insured is a telecommunications provider that co-locates at a central office of several major telecommunication providers. The claim was for approximately $525,000 in repair costs to damaged cabling and impact to the business from the outage of the circuits. Coverage was limited to buried cable only.
By analyzing cable infrastructure drawings, trouble ticket reports, and other data our team was able to determine the scope of damage associated with the outside plant cabling in addition to establishing repair costs. Our team’s analyses were also used to measure the business interruption claim associated with the impacted outside plant cabling.
As a result of our team's determinations, specific to the buried cabling and excluding the aerial cabling, the repair costs were reduced by $295,000 and the business interruption claim was reduced by 50 percent.