Turnaround & Restructuring Services

Business Plan Validation

J.S. Held Acquires Technorm, Québec’s Leading Forensic, Building Safety & Compliance Experts

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Third parties rely on our experts to validate and/or create business plans, particularly when the company in question is undergoing dramatic change.

We have the proven ability to evaluate all the strategic, operational, financial, and managerial elements crucial to a company’s success and either endorse an existing business plan or identify risks, opportunities, and potential modifications.

Our professionals have decades of substantial experience crafting and implementing business plans and financial forecasts for businesses in underperforming or transitional situations. Further, our hands-on, operational perspective makes us uniquely qualified to assess business plans prepared by third parties.

Our Services
  • Financial Impact Analysis
  • Management Implementation Assessment
  • Risk, “Softness” & Opportunity Identification
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Third-Party Business Plan Review
Our Experience & Expertise

Our experts provide comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of a proposed business plan to provide clients with the insight they need to facilitate strategic decision-making. When an organization is facing a period of hardship, we deliver financial and operations-focused guidance to develop or amend an existing business plan, providing a foundation for long-term success.

By analyzing a business’s key drivers, we are able to identify risks that may have otherwise gone unnoticed, perform sensitivity analyses, and estimate the financial impact of each potential initiative under consideration. Once the risk, “softness,” or opportunity is targeted in a business, clients can understand and factor our professional findings into their valuation or evaluation. 

As part of our Business Plan Validation services, we typically assess management and develop an objective view regarding their ability to implement the plan. We identify risks and opportunities and provide a roadmap for interested parties to monitor and scorecard critical business drivers as they move forward with their involvement with the company.

Business Plan Validation Focus Areas

Our Business Plan Validation services focus on the following areas:

  • Identifying risk, “softness,” opportunity, and potential upside in business plans prepared by third parties
  • Performing sensitivity analyses
  • Estimating the timing and financial impact of each potential initiative
  • Assessing management’s ability to implement the plan
  • Providing a roadmap for all parties involved to follow and understand key drivers of the business
  • Developing comprehensive business plans and forecasts
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