Cyber Security Consulting & Digital Investigation

Digital Protection Service (DPS)

J.S. Held Releases Insights on Risks & Opportunities Expected to Impact Organizations in 2025

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J.S. Held’s Digital Protection Service (DPS) is a technology-driven reporting and monitoring capability to identify personal online data exposure for individuals seeking to minimize their digital risk footprint.

Focused on cybercrime and fraud prevention, the service provides clients with an “outside-in” view of their personal data exposure for the purposes of identifying, remediating, and protecting against fraud, theft, and extortion.

While most cybersecurity offerings aim to strengthen network perimeter defenses, J.S. Held’s DPS security offering incorporates information available to parties outside an organization, allowing our experts to adopt to the perspective of cyber criminals seeking to exploit individuals through both technical and non-technical means. We identify information that bad actors can utilize for nefarious intent, aggregate these disparate sources, and present them in a structured report to identify security gaps and vulnerabilities that could be used for exploitation. Our experts organize the information to create a point-in-time report, develop a customized remediation plan designed to limit digital exposure through corrective actions, and provide ongoing monitoring solutions to manage risk and mitigate future attacks.

Our Experience & Distinctive Approach

The DPS is designed and delivered by experts with cumulative multidisciplinary experience in complex investigative, cybersecurity, digital risk reduction, fraud prevention, anti-money laundering, and business intelligence fields.

Based on the needs of each investigation and the efficient use of technology, our team identifies and maps “outside in” paths which identify accessible and potentially damaging information. Examples of digital data we frequently uncover include breach data; compromised domains, computers, and credentials; data brokers; social media chatter; dark web markets; and publicly available information.

Using these findings, we collate the data points to produce a report that gives the individual a unified view of their digital data exposure risk.

Our Clients

We are engaged by executives and individuals, including:

  • Boards of Directors, C-Suite & Executives
  • Fraud Prevention Teams
  • High-Net-Worth Individuals & VIPs
  • Private Equity & Investor Communities
  • Risk Managers & Inside Threat Leaders
  • Third-Party Due Diligence Professionals
Data Sources & Methods

Using a variety of data sources, ranging from historical datasets spanning the past 20 years, to near real-time resources that can update hourly, our investigations focus primarily relies on three sources:

  • Breach Data
    Collections of previously stolen or non-public datasets on the open internet, dark net, and closed hacker forums.
  • Reconnaissance
    Collections gathered by accessing or scanning publicly available information on the internet, such as social media and public document disclosures.
  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
    Collections gathered from free sources or data brokers. Separately, these sources can provide partial glimpses into an individual’s life. Collectively, the aggregated Personal Identifiable Information (PII) develops an intimate picture of that same life, allowing criminals to tailor attacks, such as spear phishing, impersonation, and banking and technology compromise, among other nefarious strategies.
Digital Risk Reports

The first step of DPS development and delivery is a deep-dive digital investigation to create the Digital Risk Report. Using the insights of that report, the team develops a remediation strategy to immediately reduce exposure and ensure any long-term re-exposure is limited.

Initiating an investigation can begin with a limited number of data points, even a single email address based on its uniqueness. The selected data points are cross-referenced against billions of records, often resulting in a tremendous number of potential connections, including phone numbers, home addresses, vehicle identification numbers, familial and personal connections, digital devices and data, health and financial information, and more. 

Remediation Services & Strategies

Based on the results of the Digital Risk Report, our experts review the findings and create an individualized remediation plan to reduce identified digital risks. The remediation plan presents a wide range of tactical and strategic improvements, with recommendations ranging from account and user ID changes to behavioral adjustments regarding interaction with technologies at home and abroad. This customized remediation plan is the key differentiating factor of the DPS, tailored to meet the behaviors and usage of the individual.

Both the risk exposure and remediation plan include a virtual briefing with the individual. Based on the individual’s unique needs, however, our experts can tailor the final product delivery and findings as part of an in-person session. This approach ensures discretion, strict confidentiality, and allows our experts to be on hand to answer any specific questions that may arise.

We commonly provide recommendations and advisory related to credential use, PII exposure, physical and digital addresses, social media use, information on family and friends, privacy and security settings, and information in publicly available documents.

Our remediation services and strategies include:

  • Data Broker Take-Downs
  • Digital Account Reviews
  • Digital Security Advisory
  • Online Safety Practices
  • Persistent Digital Monitoring
  • Personal Protection Planning
  • Personal Technology Training
  • Technical Advisory
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