
Larry Johnson

J.S. Held Acquires Technorm, Québec’s Leading Forensic, Building Safety & Compliance Experts

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Larry Johnson joined J.S. Held in March of 2022 as part of J.S. Held's acquisition of Ocean Tomo. Larry Johnson founded Veris Consulting, LLC in 2000. He co-founded Johnson Lambert & Co., a predecessor to Veris, in 1986 and served as that firm’s managing partner through 2005.

Larry has participated in numerous professional standard-setting bodies, including the Accounting Standards Executive Committee of the AICPA, which was the highest authority in the AICPA over industry-specific accounting and reporting matters. He has testified in federal and state courts, arbitration hearings, and depositions on a variety of accounting, financial reporting, auditing, causation, and damages issues including, among others, revenue recognition, asset valuation, loss reserving, related party transactions, financial statement disclosure, and the application of generally accepted auditing standards.

Larry has also served as a member of the AICPA Insurance Companies Committee and its task forces on auditing loss reserves, mutual life insurance accounting, and environmental liabilities. He chaired the AICPA’s task force on reinsurance accounting and served on both its Relations with Actuaries Committee and its Financial Services Experts Panel.

Before the formation of Johnson Lambert & Co., Larry was a partner at Ernst & Young (formerly Ernst & Whinney), where he directed its Washington, DC audit practice and its Mid-Atlantic Region insurance practice. Larry received his B.S., magna cum laude, from the University of Maryland.

Larry Johnson has been retained as a Special Advisor by J.S. Held for project-based engagements.